I was very excited when Stacey and Gary booked me to photograph their Edinburgh Castle elopement. The venues they had chosen for their special day are amazing and I knew we’d get lots of great shots. The ceremony in the castle gatehouse was lovely with both witnesses giving a little heartfelt reading. A few tears were shed and there was plenty of laughter too! We then went outside to take photos in our own private area of the castle! It was great to have a little more time to focus on the bride and groom shots than I’d normally have at a larger wedding so we took photos in every location I could think of! We were also lucky enough to go out on the roof of Prestonfield House at the perfect time to catch a dramatic sunset. Thanks for a lovely day guys, feel free to leave a comment below. 🙂
Edinburgh Castle Elopement
Thinking of eloping to Scotland? Please take a look at this elopement guide I put together which covers the basics. Also check out information from the National Records of Scotland.
Fabulous pictures of my nephew & his new bride. Good Luck X X