Proposal Photography Edinburgh Castle

I was so excited when Jonathan emailed me asking if I would photograph his proposal at Edinburgh Castle! It was going to be a complete surprise to Hilary, she knew nothing about his plans!!! All she knew was they were flying up to Edinburgh for a weekend away 😎 . Little did she know the Jonathan had been busy making many romantic plans, the proposal was just the beginning! To me it sounded like the most fun photoshoot ever and it really was just as fun as I expected it to be! Jonathan had hired the Minstrel’s Gallery in Edinburgh Castle so that he had somewhere private away from all the tourists. I arrived in plenty of time and found that it was just really an empty room with nowhere to hide. I stood in the most discrete place waiting on Jonathan and Hilary. When they arrived Hilary didn’t really seem to notice me and they went to the other end of the room where Jonathan got down on one knee. I couldn’t hear what he was saying as I was quite a distance away but I loved watching Hilary’s face light up when he said the magic words and Jonathan beamed from ear to ear when she said “YES”. Afterwards we were able to use other areas of the Castle for more photos of them together. It was so lovely to witness such a special event in their lives, and they now have these photos to look back on for the rest of their lives.

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Proposal Photography Edinburgh Castle
Proposal Photography Edinburgh Castle
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Proposal Photography Edinburgh Castle


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